
25 HTML5 Video Resources You Might Have Missed

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With Apple's continued embrace of HTML5 video for the iPad and other iOS devices, as well as Google's recent decision to reject H.264 in favor of WebM in its HTML5-compatible Chrome browser, the HTML5 video tag remains a hot-button issue for anyone trying to reach viewers on multiple devices. Here's a roundup of resources to help you better understand what all the fuss is about.

HTML5 Articles

Bringing Five Alive: Best Practices for HTML5 Video Deployment
HTML5 gives businesses the opportunity to have a media strategy targeting all popular video platforms and devices rather than having to create a separate model for each. This article from the December/January issue of Streaming Media magazine looks at best practices for HTML5 video.

HTML5 Video FAQ: Answers To The Most Common Questions
In January 2011, StreamingMedia.com hosted a live webinar on the topic of HTML5 video there we more than 900 attendees to the event who asked well over 100 questions. Dan Rayburn followed up with the webinar presenter, Brightcove SVP of global marketing Jeff Whatcott, to provide answers to some of the of the most commonly asked questions about the current state of HTML5 video.

iPad and HTML5 Support: Hype or Reality?
No two topics are hotter in the world of online video right now than the iPad and the HTML5 Video tag. But how many organizations are actually making the necessary changes to make their content ready for Apple's tablet and moving to adapt to the HTML5 Video standard? This article from fenxiong.net summarizes a 2010 report, Supporting the iPad and HTML5: Timing, Motivations, Costs, and Scope

HTML5 vs. Flash
If you're presenting online video, you want to be sure everyone can see it no matter their platform, device, or browser. While HTML5 video is a simpler solution, it doesn't have all the feature of Flash. Deciding between the two formats can be tricky. This article from StreamingMedia.com's sister site OnlineVideo.net sheds light on the dilemma.

Myths and Misconceptions about HTML5
With all the controversy surrounding HTML5, plenty of errors and mischaracterizations have become accepted as facts. Zohar Babin and Michael Dale of HTMLVideo.org and Kaltura address some of the most common myths about HTML5.

Defending the HTML5 Myths
The article above proved to be one of the most popular ever on OnlineVideo.net, receiving a number of passionate comments. In this follow-up article, we respond to a number of those comments and dig further into issues of usability, openness, and the HTML5 vs. Flash debate.

Learning to Love HTML5
This article from Smashing Magazine discusses some things associated with HTML5 that appear to be somewhat confusing, and attempts to gain a better understanding of certain aspects of the, enabling use of the new features in the most practical and appropriate manner possible.

How HTML5 Is Aiding in Cross-Platform Development
Takes a look at how some of the best HTML5-centric, cross-platform mobile frameworks are being used to help developers deliver native app experiences on a variety of devices. Includes some video.

Multimedia on the Web and Using HTML5 Sensibly
A recap of a presentation by Chris Heilman from the London Ajax User Meetup in England. There were two talks about HTML5. One on Multimedia on the web and the second was a call to arms to use HTML5 sensibly.

Google's Rejection of H.264 in Chrome Means a Unified HTML5 Video Tag is Now a Pipe Dream
Google's attempt to clarify its decision to drop H.264 from Chrome in favor of WebM creates even more questions than it answers

HTML5 Websites

HTML5 Doctor is a collaboration among Rich Clark, Bruce Lawson, Jack Osborne, Mike Robinson, Remy Sharp, Tom Leadbetter, and Oli Studholme. The idea for the site came about following an HTML5 meetup after 2009's Future of Web Design conference in London. A resource for people who want to learn more about the hows and whys of implementing HTML5.

Pretty much what the name of the site implies. Showcase of top HTML5 sites. The gallery lists the best in HTML5 submitted and voted by users-great sites, demos, and tutorials for your HTML5 site.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
A defining document for HTML5 from the W3C. This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are introduced to help web application authors, new elements are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.

A resource for open web developers, this site is a collaborative effort by no less than 15 authors. It includes a slideshow that lets you play with HTML5 features, a code "playground," a samples studio, and step-by-step tutorials.

Apple HTML5 Showcase
Rightly or wrongly, Steve Jobs is the poster boy for HTML5, and Apple has played a huge role in moving forward the public discussion about HTML5. This site highlights some of the features and functions available to sites using the HTML5 specification-not just video, but audio, typography, and 360-degree elements. (Note: Some of the content here is viewable only in Apple's Safari Browser for Mac, PC, or iOS device.

HTML5 Cheat Sheet

Videos About HTML5

People of HTML5 - Remy Sharp
Chris Heilmann of Mozilla interviewing Remy Sharp about HTML5, implementation problems, security concerns and JavaScript in general.

Introduction to HTML 5
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? Brad Neuberg has put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard

Embed HTML5 Video for iPad
If you use video sites like youtube and vimeo, here is how you can adapt your code on your website so that your videos will still play on iPad and iPhone iPad

Creating Mobile Applications using HTML5
HTML5 is quickly becoming a preferred technology for developing rich, occasionally connected applications that are optimized for location awareness and moderate bandwidth. This video gets you started on leveraging HTML5 in your Force.com pages (Visualforce) projects. Learn how you can leverage your pages for multiple platforms and form factors.

Posting Videos that Play on the iPad
Jan Ozer on three techniques for posting videos that play in Flash on a computer and via HTML5 on your iPad

HTML5 Conferences

The HTML5 Video Track at Streaming Media East
Those who have questions about HTML5 video will want to block out May 10th and 11th on their calendars. Those are the dates of the 2011 Streaming Media East conference in New York City. Conference organizer Dan Rayburn, executive vice president at StreamingMedia.com, just announced that for the first time the conference will offer a fourth track entirely devoted to HTML5 video.

HTML5 Live
The first HTML5 Live was held on November 9, 2010 in New York City and you can get a glimpse of the event from the highlights video.

HTML5 Video Summit
The HTML5 Video Summit will be held in conjunction with Streaming Media West at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles on November 8-9, 2011. More information coming soon.

Open Video Conference
This conference is about more than just HTML5, looking at how the open standard fits in a larger discussion about monetization, copyright, privacy, and social change. It's sponsored by the Open Video Alliance, a group comprised of Kaltura, Mozilla, the Participatory Culture Foundation, and the Yale Law Information Society Project that describes its mission as "a coalition of organizations that aims to maximize free expression and innovation in online video."

Got a resource you think should be added to this list? Email us and let us know, and we'll list it below, unless it's content that specifically promotes one vendor's solutions.

Dive Into HTML5 Video Webinar

A webinar put on by ReelSEO and sponsored by Longtail video, featuring presenters Jeroen "JW" Wijering, creator of the JW Player, and Philip Jagenstadt, core developer at Opera.


Sponsored by Kaltura, but promoting understanding of and innovation in HTML5 Video in general, this site features demos, news, and user forums. Also sponsored by Mozilla, the Open Video Alliance, and Wikimedia.

Master List of HTML(5)/JS/CSS Resources

For the coders and programmers among us, here's a lengthy list of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5 resources. Oh, and as blogger Gene Loparco points out, technically the spec is now simply called HTML, but for the sake of clarity, we'll continue to refer to it as HTML5.

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Navigating HTML5 Video

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Google's Rejection of H.264 in Chrome Means a Unified HTML5 Video Tag is Now a Pipe Dream

Google's attempt to clarify its decision to drop H.264 from Chrome in favor of WebM creates even more questions than it answers

Bringing Five Alive: Best Practices for HTML5 Video Deployment

A look at best practices for HTML5 Video deployment

iPad and HTML5 Support: Hype or Reality?

A new survey-based report by StreamingMedia.com's Jan Ozer reveals just how widespread iPad and HTML5 Video support is today, and how prevalent it will be in the next 18 months.

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